
20240914 - MLIndenberg - Making Wise Decisions

We are defined by the choices we make so we need to make wise ones. And, God is very willing to teach us how to do this.

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20240907 - Register - What’s in a Number?

Bible numbers are important. The most mentioned is the number 7. This message explores the significance of this number. From the seventh day to the seventh month, you will be amazed at why the number 7 is important to God and all of us.

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20240831 - Braswell - A Roman Gift

Mr. Kevin Braswell discusses a most precious gift from God and how Paul describes various groups' responses to this gift in the book of Romans.

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20240824 - Myers - Take This Yoke

Why we need to be equally yoked as humans and spiritually yoked with Jesus not Satan. 

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20240817 - Braswell - Sheol and the Cross

Mr. Kevin Braswell discusses the OT concept of Sheol and how the sacrifice of Jesus Christ redefined the relationship between man and God.

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20240817 - MLindenberg - 4 Benefits of Bible Study

Mr. Michael Lindenberg expounds on the 4 benefits of Bible Study as derived from II Timothy 3:16.

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20240810 MLindenberg - War and God

Let's see what God says about the subject?

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20240803 Register - Our Spiritual Olympics

The Olympics can remind us, as Paul did, to consistently prepare for the next race we have to run and endure. How do we do that? Much like the Olympian, we need to practice and constantly develop the spiritual disciplines by setting higher goals, and growing spiritually.

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072724Braswell - Shepherd’s Work

Mr. Kevin Braswell discusses the work of the Father and the Son on the Sabbath day.

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072724VanZuen - Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Mr. Carl VanZuen discusses why God allows suffering for His people.

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