
20240420 Braswell-Blood

Kevin Braswell gives a sermon on Blood

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20240413 Register - Epiphany

David Register speaks about Epiphanys

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20240330 Graham - Why Forgiven?

Daniel Graham speaks on why we need forgiveness

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20240330 VanZuyen - Grow in Faith

A split sermon on growing in Faith

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20240323 Register

David Register Sermon

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20240309 Graham Come out- for you are seperate

Daniel Graham speaks on coming out of this world.

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20240217 Graham - Forgiveness

Daniel Graham speaks on the importance of forgiveness

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20240210 Provine “Sodom eye witness”

A Sabbath Sermon by Tom Provine

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20240203 Braswell - Me and Us

Mr. Kevin Braswell discusses the "Me" culture of the world versus the "Us" culture of the Bible.

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20240203 Besore - Disappointment: A Christian Perspective

Mr. Bob Besore discusses how a Christian should handle disappointment.

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