
Becoming A New Lump

The Apostle Paul encouraged the Corinthians to become a NEW LUMP.  Discover three factors that can help us become the same thing . . . a new lump.

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The Exodus: God’s Great Redemptive Plan For All Mankind

The story of Israel’s departure from the land of Egypt and their journey to the Promised Land is one of the most popular in all the Old Testament.  You might be surprised to learn how much God revealed about His plan to redeem all of mankind through...

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Pride and Humility

It takes constant effort to learn to have the purpose and balance needed to stay on the right track of life.

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Will You Follow The Lamb?

A look at two factors that are extremely critical in determining if we will remain faithful to the end... #1 Neglect and #2 A root of bitterness... either can cause us to give up on our vision of the Kingdom.

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Biblical Manhood/Womanhood - Part 4 of 4, Roles of Men and Women

How is this all supposed to work? How can we apply the Godly principles of Biblical manhood and womanhood in our daily lives as Christians? Can men and women who seek to live out these Godly, gender-specific roles survive in our modern world? Is our society and culture in the...

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Judging Ourselves

The Bible has much to say about judgment. This sermon concentrates on judging ourselves instead of judging others.  Jesus Christ told us to “judge not, that you be not judged.”  We are to remember the principle that with the same measure that we judge others, we...

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Biblical Manhood/Womanhood - Part 3 of 4, The Feminine Woman

How does God define femininity?  What are the characteristics of a feminine woman?  How does our modern culture and society affect women who would seek to reflect these Godly characteristics and virtues?

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Biblical Manhood/Womanhood - Part 2 of 4, The Masculine Man

What does it mean to be a man? What was God’s intention when He created Adam . . . what were his expectations? What are the primary roles God established for men . . . as sons, fathers, husbands and brothers . . . and how has our society and culture affected our expression of these masculine...

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Biblical Manhood/Womanhood - Part 1 of 4

What has happened . . . to men and women, husbands and wives, fathers and mothers in America? As we see genders blending, marriage and family redefined, along with fierce competition between men and women and/or confusion among them concerning their God-given roles and responsibilities, it appears that there is an aggressive...

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The Time of Your Life

How do you spend your time?  Do you allow the distractions of this life and this world to preoccupy you and rob you of time better spent?  Is it time to evaluate how you are spending the time of your life and make sure that you are meeting...

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